Donald Chiavaroli
4/29/2022 1:29 PM
The Certification Status of Leaders and Sweeps is attached (pdf file). If you happen to misplace this file, it can be found on the website in the Document Library>Rider Info>LSAG. The Document library is accessible to members only. This document will be updated quarterly between May and October and monthly between November and April. Explanation of the color code is at the bottom of the pdf document. There are 194 names on this list.
The purpose of sharing this information two fold:
1. Those members who attended Leader-Sweep training in 2022 can view their status.
2. Primary rider leaders can see who among their frequent riders have been trained in the current ride protocols.
As stated in the Handbook for Riders, Ride Leaders, and Ride Sweeps when it was published, individuals who were "Certified" prior to the implementation date of February 15, 2022 will retain their certification for three additional years if attendance in Leader-Sweep Training in 2022 was done. These individuals are coded "green" (certified) thru 2024
Several individuals elected to not attend Leader Sweep training in 2022. These individuals are coded "yellow" (conditional) and will need to attend Leader Sweep training in 2023. Please remember attendance at Leader-Sweep Training is not a reflection on your ability to lead or sweep. It is an opportunity to be knowledgeable of the current protocols so that our members across all ride levels and within all ride groups get the same consistent set of standards.
regards, Don Chiavaroli Ride Director