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Sumter Landing Bicycle Club

Safe, Healthy, Fun Cycling in The Villages, Florida

Florida Bicycle Association's 2016 Bike Club of the Year!   ~   #1 Ranked Cycling Club in since 2017!

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Bike Journal

Once again, in 2023, SLBC was the #1 bicycling club in the world as measured by the miles logged by club members on the website. With 129 of our riders logging miles, we hit a grand total of 575,598 miles. We had two riders post over 21,000 miles each. Our Rider Participation and total miles logged were down slightly from 2022 level but we still have not come back to our 2020, pre-COVID levels. 

The only thing needed is YOU!!! So far, in 2023, our participating riders has dropped from 158 to 129. We need you back, we need new riders!

Each year, resets the miles ridden to zero – so let’s pedal off on the right foot this year and get ALL those miles we ride logged into Bike Journal. It doesn't matter where you ride the miles - here in The Villages, on away rides or, for our Snowbirds, miles that you ride back up north. If we are successful this year, we will again celebrate with an ice cream social.

How about we, as a club, shoot for 1 Million miles???  Crazy? Not if EVERYONE gets involved! Remember, we logged 575000+ miles with 129 members participating! We have over 750 members in this club!  It's not that hard. You don't need to ride more miles (though that is always nice), you just need to account for the one you do ride! It's easy and it's actually fun!

Questions or assistance, email

 Bike Journal Website      Instructions to Create Account     Instructions to Enter Your Miles